Vol. 2 No. 12 (2024): International Research of Multidisciplinary Analysis

ISSN Online : 2985-4415

Nindikayla Institute

About Journal

International Research of Multidisciplinary Analysis is an open-access monthly journal of the Nindikayla Institute that publishes research outcomes with significant contributions to the understanding and improvement of Research processes. IRMA not only collects research results from different disciplines and methodological approaches, but also research carried out by interdisciplinary research teams. In this line, disciplinary and interdisciplinary works related to Analysis research are welcome in areas including education, sociology, psychology, anthropology, history, philosophy, economics, linguistics, geography, political science, etc

Indexed In


February 28, 2023
Yulita Yulita, Ati Sumiati, Sri Zulaihati
Statistic: 128
May 5, 2023
Suci Nurfajriah
Statistic: 66
January 31, 2023
Munawaroh Munawaroh, Syamsul Hadi Senen, Rofi Rofaida
Statistic: 49
January 31, 2023
Liza Julianti, Nugrahini Kusumawati, Efi Tajuroh Afiah, Aris Trismayadi Nurizki
Statistic: 46
April 4, 2023
Bambang Setyo Panulisan, Wiwien Susanti, Ahmad Sudadi, Ajeng Liyan Putikasari
Statistic: 42
December 12, 2024
Diana Kurniawati
Statistic: 37
May 30, 2023
Novita Maulidya Jalal
Statistic: 36
December 12, 2024
Reni Septiani
Statistic: 36
January 31, 2023
Enjum Jumhana, Achmad Nashrudin Priatna
Statistic: 32
September 30, 2023
Agus Kusmana, Endah Andriani Pratiwi, Iwan Kresna Setiadi
Statistic: 32
March 30, 2023
Nur Ramadini Tria Wafa, Saparuddin Mukhtar, Harya Kuncara Wiralaga
Statistic: 30
June 30, 2023
Laynita Sari, Febryandhie Ananda, Dewi Zulfia, Muhammad Rivandi, Mike Kusuma Dewi
Statistic: 30
February 28, 2023
Yulita Yulita, Ati Sumiati, Sri Zulaihati
Statistic: 56
January 31, 2023
Munawaroh Munawaroh, Syamsul Hadi Senen, Rofi Rofaida
Statistic: 31
May 5, 2023
Suci Nurfajriah
Statistic: 30
June 20, 2023
Dyah Wahyuningsih, Abdul Basit
Statistic: 29
May 30, 2023
Novita Maulidya Jalal
Statistic: 27
January 31, 2023
Liza Julianti, Nugrahini Kusumawati, Efi Tajuroh Afiah, Aris Trismayadi Nurizki
Statistic: 24
March 30, 2023
Nur Ramadini Tria Wafa, Saparuddin Mukhtar, Harya Kuncara Wiralaga
Statistic: 21
August 8, 2023
Sofyan Lazuardi, Bambang Sri Wibowo, Mochamad Ardi Setyawan, Miya Dewi Suprihandari
Statistic: 21
September 30, 2023
Agus Kusmana, Endah Andriani Pratiwi, Iwan Kresna Setiadi
Statistic: 21
February 28, 2023
Dian Sudiantini, Daniel Panjaitan, Risqina Puteri, Syifa Fauziah
Statistic: 18
June 30, 2023
Laynita Sari, Febryandhie Ananda, Dewi Zulfia, Muhammad Rivandi, Mike Kusuma Dewi
Statistic: 17
April 4, 2023
Bambang Setyo Panulisan, Wiwien Susanti, Ahmad Sudadi, Ajeng Liyan Putikasari
Statistic: 17


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